Thursday, November 24, 2011



Happy Thanksgiving!

Today I’m looking forward to

rest and relaxation

good food

great company

walks in the woods

cups of coffee with cream

new memories

just being

This year I’m thankful for;


that my dad is here to celebrate

my boys…all 3 of them

for God’s grace

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

school lunch

nothing really big here but just a couple notes i wanted to capture.  i love going to the boys school and seeing what their school environment is like…how they interact with other kids, the choices they make, etc.

today i had the honor of enjoying a little lunch with Mr. Char.  After the kids get their main dish from the lunch ladies, there is a two sided buffet where the kids help themselves to the sides available.  i nearly fell on the floor today when charlie helped himself to mashed potatoes, gravy and peaches.  Seriously…the boy who will eat none of these chose these things on his own…and then actually ate them. 

the 6th graders at mac’s school have jobs to help out around the school and mac currently helps with recess.  So, long story short i also go to see mac while i was at school as well.  he played kickball and basketball with the kindergartners and he swung the rope so that some kindergarten girls could play jump rope.  i’m thinking that might be the only time he has ever played jump rope.  made me even happier that he gave me a hug and said goodbye when he had to head into school.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Thursday, November 10, 2011


a week ago we were at mac’s basketball game.  during the game, charlie and a friend were playing football in the hallway.  during this game of catch, charlie had a run in with the wall…actually the corner of the wall…a wall made of cinder block.

there was lots of blood…um lots.  luckily there were 3 doctors that came to our rescue,  calmed charlie down and advised that we would indeed need stitches.  we hurried to childrens mercy.  charlie got 5 stitches in his forehead.  the staff did an amazing job working with him.

this picture is before.  they put a numbing medication over the area surrounding and on the wound and let that set for 30 minutes.  charlie is not a fan of doctors and even though it was magic thread (wink, wink) we opted to give him the happy juice to help him relax.

charlie stitches

and after


charlie stitches 2

all better and feeling good.

4 days later we headed back to get the stitches removed.  he did phenomenal and no happy medicine required. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

update: Dad

Dad had his 3 month followup CT scan last week and visit with his Dr. on Monday.  The CT showed great news, nothing new and the original mass continues to shrink. 

Dad is taking Tarceva, which is a daily chemo drug that he takes via a pill. At this point, the Tarceva is a maintenance drug and he will be taking it indefinitely.  Dad has had some issues/side affects with this medicine…severe dry skin, skin breakouts and rashes, tiredness (is that a word?) and decreased appetite.  Yet he seems to be adjusting to the med and the side affects are becoming less and less.

He did have a consult with a surgeon about a month and 1/2 ago.  He strongly recommended not doing any surgery.  Dad is doing so well with his current protocol and the surgery that would be required is somewhat experimental with not enough data to show any value of doing in regards to my Dad’s case.

So, he continues with the same protocol and will have another scan in 3 months. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween 2011

happy halloween…may the force be with you113


the boys with my niece and nephew (dean and kenna.)  mac literally threw his costume together in 5 minutes.  he had bought the mullet wig several weeks ago but had abandoned the costume idea of 80’s rocker until it was time to go trick or treating.  this pic makes me laugh out loud.

ode to neewollah

oh neewollah, you never disappoint

a parade that hasn’t changed too much in the 15 years i’ve been attending


a confident young man who beat the rigged basketball game in only 3 tries

mac neewollah 10.11

carnival rides …that one family member has advised they will never ride again

jay mac ride neewollah 10.11

failed attempts at self portraits

charlie mom neewollah 10.11

building memories with cousins


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