Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter 2011

what a full weekend, but these are the ones i love.  doing the good stuff.  hanging with family, just being with each other listening to stories of old times seriously nothing better.

we headed to independence on friday morning to spend some time with Jay's family. we have not been to independence since christmas.  i am lucky to have married into a family that i love as much as my own.  jay's grandma pete is a saint, and when i think of the type of wife and mother that i want to be like,  i think of her.  she' is 89 years old and wanted to take the kids to the easter egg hunt so us girls could go shop.  i only pray i can function like that when i'm 89.  :)

we headed back to LS last night and enjoyed a wonderful easter with my family.  i loved father's homily today...that if anything Easter reminds us all to true.

a few pics from today.

my aunt and uncle got my dad a new 'wig.'  i think he might have to fight mac for it.

how sad is it that this is the only picture i have of the boys in their easter outfits.  of course, no family pics...nice

sometimes it's a bonus to be the youngest

i loved my little centerpieces...wheat grass and peeps.  (sorry this picture is overexposed)

easter bunny arrived

funny stories

charlie wasn't overly excited about what the easter bunny brought him.  he asked if next year he could write him a note.

mac advised us last night that he could not marry a girl who didn't know anything about sports.

1 comment:

  1. I like the photos of them being real better...:)
    Hi, I'm Meme from Screaming Meme. I am having a giveaway series over @ Screaming Meme...This week is a slipcover. I hope you get a chance to come by and sign up. And remember to check back to see more wonderful giveaways each week...Hope to see you there!
