i’m not really sure what to post now and it seems awkward in a way but i will try. i think we are all handling the loss of my dad in our own ways. Which means we all have our own ways of handling grief and i don’t believe that there is a wrong way. I spoke to a grief counselor today who reassured me that “i’m ok.” :)
To say this summer has been a blur, well that doesn’t even describe it. So much, well most of it was consumed with taking care of my dad. Being there for Dr appts, there when home health and later hospice game. The stress of making sure he had what he needed, when he needed it. There is a bigger story there, but I don’t think appropriate to share on the interwebs. Needless to say when it came to my family, they got the short end of the stick from me. Luckily i have a great husband who 120% supported me…i just told him what i needed and when and he was there.
Long story short, this will not go down as one of the best summers…for many reasons. The last couple of weekends though we have tried to ‘make up for it.’
we headed to Omaha, NE a couple of weekends ago. Chris qualified for the nationwide tour event in Omaha, so we opted to head out Saturday afternoon. this little jaunt was a blast. it was so so so nice to GET OUT OF TOWN, it was super fun to walk down memory lane; show the boys where we had lived, worked, gone to church and finally to watch a golf tournament.
to break up the trip we stopped at St. Joseph to check out the Chiefs training camp.
brothers…there was a lot of discussion between these two about what was going on on the field.
kc wolf…ok at a distance but there was a certain someone who did not want to get close to this guy.
we love 810…especially the morning show!
after spending a little time at the training camp, we finished our venture to omaha. my boys love love love staying at hotels.
of course you have to try out the bed…make sure it’s bouncy enough
for dinner we headed to the dundee dell…one of our old stomping grounds. the location has changed from when we were living in omaha, but the food is the same or better. it even smells like the old dundee dell.
we walked up the street from the dundee dell and showed the boys where we lived. this old house has an apartment on the top floor that we rented for about 6 months. oh what sweet memories…we were newlyweds, had moved to omaha and didn’t really know a soul…truly good times.
we drove by the church we went to. St. Margaret Mary’s. Picture won’t do it justice but this is a beautiful, beautiful church
luckily for us, chris didn’t tee off till late morning, so we enjoyed a leisurly breakfast before heading to the golf course. they were adamant about no cameras so i didn’t sneak any pics, not even with my phone.
it was a great time, even if we were only gone for a little over 24 hours.
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