Monday, December 31, 2012

christmas 2012

Happy New Years Eve!  It is with much sadness that I realize the holiday season is coming to an end.  Why is it that this point in time every year makes my heart hurt just a little?  We are having a rip roaring new year’s eve.  I have been in my jammies all day, we are having a taco bell feast for dinner and bets are on the table as to who will make it to midnight. :)

christmas was different this year…my dad’s absence was and is overwhelming at times.  That being said, i tried my best to be present…to be thankful for this wonderful life, this wonderful season.

we decided to do lignts on the outside of our house.  charlie has been asking for years and this year we finally bit the bullet and went for it. 022 020

We trimmed the tree. I thought seriously long and hard about getting a real tree this year, but opted not to.  Maybe next year.  Of course with trimming the tree comes a large hot chocolate with extra marshmallows.

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we celebrated Christmas with the Thompson a little earlier this year but as usual it was a grand time.  mac was one of the narrators for the play, and charlie was a wise man.  there is talk about bringing back the talent show next year for the next generation…that could be interesting.  :)

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once again we opted to build a gingerbread house.  i take the easy way out.  this house was pretty much assembled, we only had to decorate it.  I think our decorating skills are getting better and better each year.122 115we incorporated some firsts into our traditions this year and due to their success, i hope we are able to incorporate them into our yearly tradition.  we attended the nutcracker at the kaufman center for the peforming arts.  this was our boys first experience with the fine arts and it was well received.


we also attended midnight mass at the cathedral.  the cathedral was beautifully yet simply decorated.  the music before and during the mass was beautiful.  I’m so happy we started our christmas celebration by attending this service and focusing on the reason we have this season.


we got home from mass and the boys had no problem getting to sleep.

Santa arrived


Christmas day we woke up about 6:30 and savored the arrival of Santa and just being with each other.  We had brunch for my mom, niece and nephew.  Later we went to Lawrence and spent the afternoon with some of the Thompson clan.

And with that Christmas day was over.  We spent time with my side of the family on  Thursday and Friday.  Many good times catching up and then traipsing all over Kansas City to entertain the kids.  Trying to go Fritz’s at Crown Center with 20 people on the Friday after Christmas may not have been the smartest idea but we made it work.  :)

Sunday, December 23, 2012


nearly a week a go, another school tragedy took place in our country.  unfathomable events, little children and teachers and administrators impacted.  i honestly feel like i’m still processing what happened friday…so sad.  friday i attended charlie’s school assembly and all i could think about was newtown, and those families, friends a community impacted by unexplainable evil.

there is a movement across the nation to do 26 acts of kindness…are you in?  this week, my family will be participating…will you?

also, passing along this article.  we must continue to pray for these families, the community our nation really…

embracing the camera

might just be me, but when i look through childhood pics there just aren’t that many of my mom or to be honest either of my parents.  there are the typical posed pictures at the holidays, maybe a birthday, but not that many of normal day life of us as a family. 

i’ve read many a story about how important it is to get in the picture but man, for me it’s hard.  i just really don’t like pictures of me.  yet, it’s more important for my boys to have pics and memories of me being in the picture. 

these pictures were taken at Thanksgiving (i know behind much) and while it’s somewhat posed, i love it.


i thought it would be fun to share some of the pics taken in an effort to get this one….love these boys, love being their momma.

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Thursday, November 29, 2012


Thanksgiving was spent at our house with us and my mom.  My brother bailed at the last minute and with much trepidation I faced thanksgiving day.  Wednesday night I prayed that I would ‘choosejoy’.  That I would focus on the good things about this day vs what I was missing.  Jay and I cooked the feast and I think we had a good time preparing the feast.  I had the sides, he cooked the meat.  Our menu:

Pork Roast

Sweet potatoes

Mashed potatoes and gravy


Green bean casserole


Pumpkin pie and homemade whipped cream


All in all I’d give us 4 out of 5 stars.  Everything was fantastic, except the mashed potatoes.  Something just wasn’t right with them.   I’m not sure how you mess up mashed potatoes but I’m here to tell you that it can be done. The pie was homemade if you call homemade being a store bought crust and following the recipe on the libby’s can of pumpkin.  It might be the best pumpkin pie I’ve ever had.  Homemade whipped cream…I mean really why wouldn’t you?  So super simple and so good.  Brownies were made since Charlie does not like pumpkin pie.

I convinced the fam to take some pictures.

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Later that evening Mac and I headed to the plaza for the lighting ceremony.  This was our first experience.  I’ll be honest, I think I enjoyed ‘getting out’ as I did the actual lighting ceremony, but I would do it again, hopefully with the whole family next time.092098

Friday morning after my work out, I headed out to do a little black Friday shopping.  I selfishly did some shopping for myself and picked up a few items for gifts.  Later Friday morning we headed out to Arkansas where I honestly spent the rest of the weekend, drinking coffee, reading, sleeping, eating more than I should (like red velvet cheese cake…unreal.)

Thursday, November 22, 2012

thankful day 4

today i’m thankful for God’s grace.  thankful for a savior who suffered the cross, so that i may have eternal life with Him. 

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

thankful day 3

today i’m thankful for my health and my family’s health.  i’m thankful that i took a chance in 2009 and on a crazy whim decided to train and run a 1/2 marathon.  i’m thankful that decision has led me to incorporating exercise consistenly (some times more than others) into my life. 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

thankful #2


wow, we are working on 16 years of marriage…that seems crazy, yet i know it is really only the beginning.  thankful that he was in that training class 17 years ago.  thankful that he asked me on our first date via email.  thankful that this guy accepts and loves me for who i am, that he tolerates the drama that is part of being with me.  thankful that he is truly the. best. dad.

 this picture is from our engagement party about 3 weeks before our wedding (April 1997)j s 19979131

Monday, November 19, 2012


as we are into the week of thanksgiving….i’m going to challenge myself to do a post a day with what I’m thankful for.

I’m thankful for these two and that I’m their momma.  I’m thankful that they have each other.  That though they may not always like each other…they love and respect each other. i’m thankful that they help me to take life less seriously.


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

you are 13

this post is obviously late, since your birthday was 3 weeks ago.  i was hoping to take some great pics of you that i could post but i’m afraid if i keep waiting for that,this post might never happen.

interview with my teenager

 mac fg


what is your favorite song right now?

gangnam style


who is your favorite musical artist?


what do you think of middle school?  what is the best thing of being in middle school/worst thing?

i like it.  the best thing:  freedom (walking in the halls and not having to be in a line) the worst thing:  the classes are harder

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who are you best friend/s?

Jason, Brennan, Tyler, Michael, Kendall, Zane, Chase, Drew, Mitch

what is your favorite dinner?

pizza hut big dinner box

always in a hat211

what are your dreams for your 13th year?

ku to win the national basketball championship

what do you think of charlie weis as the ku football coach?

he’s ok, but i think the only reason he is coaching is for his son, so that he can be a head coach.

what’s it like being a big brother?

Friday, October 19, 2012

friday letters


dear kc hospice house; each month, since july i come back and deliver goodies.  praying that those families and friends with loved ones there, find some comfort by the food delivered.  you are a place that will always be important to me.  your staff, volunteers there are no words for the goodness that is this place. 


dear panera: thank you for filling in when i was running out of time.


dear boys:  so proud of you.  end of first quarter and both of you received excellent grades and great things were said by your teachers. Could.Not.Be. Prouder of either of you.


dear work:  wow .…the next few months could be interesting.  thanks for the excitement.

dear feet:  tomorrow you are running 13.1 miles…please don’t fail me.

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dear fall:  have i said this already…i love you.  your colors are awesome.


dear decaf:  i think i’m getting used to you but wondering how long it will last.

Monday, October 15, 2012

round here

school is in full swing and well in fact, today is the first day of the 2nd exactly did that happen?

we've been to one ku game, not sure we'll make antother. regardless we love  our hawks and always have fun in lawrence.

 we have a little football player of our own and i've enjoyed watching him and his team play a little flag football on saturdays.  not a bad way to spend an hour or so

house project are under way.   first step...declutter.  this is a little disgusting, but we did have about 13 years of accumulation in our garage as well as stripped our master bath so we can redo it.  we had no mercy when going through was a very nice feeling to be rid of so much junk.  (i'll spare you and myself a picture of this madness)

this guy turned 13--so who told him that was ok?  was not me.  regardless we had a small family gathering at 5 guys with cookie cake (his favorite) and ice cream at home.  after our family celebration he went to his first lock in.  i will admit, he was not the happiest of guys come saturday morning, but not too bad.

our dryer broke so i had to make a couple trips to the laundromat. oh the memories this brings back

Friday, September 28, 2012

Friday letters

dear mumford & sons...i listened to your new album today, just plain lovely.  please plan a tour in the states soon.  i want to see you in concert, like real bad.

dear friday...the past few fridays have been rough.  i have been an emotional mess, grumpy and not necessarily a very nice person to be around.  i thought it was due to early morning long runs.  i can not blame it on that today.  i need to work on this, how can you be grumpy on a Friday of all days.

dear are lovely.  mums, coffee, pumpkin...does it get any better?

dear husband...thank you for liking the new dresser i picked out, after of course we figured out you did not have to put it together.

dear learning your favorite book is Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, i had no idea. so proud of you for trying to read it to me.

dear time...please slow down.  i will officially be the mother of a teenager a week from today.  how is that possible?

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Hello School

Hello first full week of school

hello middle school


hello early start time

hello 1st grade


hello bus


hello school year


hello…that’s truly enough and time for you to leave mom…


Monday, August 20, 2012

Are you ready?

Last Saturday, KU had their fan appreciation day. Have I adequately expressed my love for Lawrence? I LOVE LAWERENCE! We woke up bright and early and headed over to the KU campus. It was a beautiful day.



We got to watch the team run through some drills and afterward they allowed the fans to go onto the field and get autographs. I can’t say enough for how well organized it was and my kids had a blast. I appreciate how accessible the team and coach’s made themselves to fans. We got autographs from Dayne Crist (he’ll be our starting quarterback), Charlie Weis Jr, Tim Grunhard, and a couple other guys I don’t remember. Then the boys played some catch on the field.

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Of course no trip to Lawrence would be complete without an outing to Papa Kenos. Oh yum…

We only have 13 more day to the first KU football game. Hopefully this years team gives us a little more to cheer for.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Summer wind down

i’m not really sure what to post now and it seems awkward in a way but i will try.  i think we are all handling the loss of my dad in our own ways.  Which means we all have our own ways of handling grief and i don’t believe that there is a wrong way.  I spoke to a grief counselor today who reassured me that “i’m ok.”  :) 

To say this summer has been a blur, well that doesn’t even describe it.  So much, well most of it was consumed with taking care of my dad.  Being there for Dr appts, there when home health and later hospice game.  The stress of making sure he had what he needed, when he needed  it.  There is a bigger story there, but I don’t think appropriate to share on the interwebs.  Needless to say when it came to my family, they got the short end of the stick from me.  Luckily i have a great husband who 120% supported me…i just told him what i needed and when and he was there. 

Long story short, this will not go down as one of the best summers…for many reasons.  The last couple of weekends though we have tried to ‘make up for it.’

we headed to Omaha, NE a couple of weekends ago.  Chris qualified for the nationwide tour event in Omaha, so we opted to head out Saturday afternoon.  this little jaunt was a blast.  it was so so so nice to GET OUT OF TOWN, it was super fun to walk down memory lane; show the boys where we had lived, worked, gone to church and finally to watch a golf tournament. 

to break up the trip we stopped at St. Joseph to check out the Chiefs training camp.

 005 009 brothers…there was a lot of discussion between these two about what was going on on the field.010  kc wolf…ok at a distance but there was a certain someone who did not want to get close to this guy.


we love 810…especially the morning show!

after spending a little time at the training camp, we finished our venture to omaha.  my boys love love love staying at hotels. 

of course you have to try out the bed…make sure it’s bouncy enough

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for dinner we headed to the dundee dell…one of our old stomping grounds.  the location has changed from when we were living in omaha, but the food is the same or better.  it even smells like the old dundee dell.


we walked up the street from the dundee dell and showed the boys where we lived.  this old house has an apartment on the top floor that we rented for about 6 months.  oh what sweet memories…we were newlyweds, had moved to omaha and didn’t really know a soul…truly good times.


we drove by the church we went to.  St. Margaret Mary’s.  Picture won’t do it justice but this is a beautiful, beautiful church


luckily for us, chris didn’t tee off till late morning, so we enjoyed a leisurly breakfast before heading to the golf course.  they were adamant about no cameras so i didn’t sneak any pics, not even with my phone. 

it was a great time, even if we were only gone for a little over 24 hours.