Tuesday, November 22, 2011

school lunch

nothing really big here but just a couple notes i wanted to capture.  i love going to the boys school and seeing what their school environment is like…how they interact with other kids, the choices they make, etc.

today i had the honor of enjoying a little lunch with Mr. Char.  After the kids get their main dish from the lunch ladies, there is a two sided buffet where the kids help themselves to the sides available.  i nearly fell on the floor today when charlie helped himself to mashed potatoes, gravy and peaches.  Seriously…the boy who will eat none of these chose these things on his own…and then actually ate them. 

the 6th graders at mac’s school have jobs to help out around the school and mac currently helps with recess.  So, long story short i also go to see mac while i was at school as well.  he played kickball and basketball with the kindergartners and he swung the rope so that some kindergarten girls could play jump rope.  i’m thinking that might be the only time he has ever played jump rope.  made me even happier that he gave me a hug and said goodbye when he had to head into school.

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