1. i have been drinking insane amounts of coffee this week. does drinking insane amounts of water counter act the caffeine?
2. i think spring has sprung and is hopefully here to stay.
3. my favorite uncle came in from colorado last weekend. so so good to see him and to catch up.
4. have you seen the new show on tlc about coupon clipping? no offense to anyone, but i don't really get it. some guy last night bought 100s of toothbrushes...but why? great that he's getting a good deal but what are you going to do with that number of toothbrushes.
5. dad has one more week of treatment. anxious to see what the results of the next cat scan and what the next steps are. we are pretty confident there will be more treatment on the horizon but unclear what that looks like. good news is that he will have 3 weeks off with no chemo/radiation, which i know he is very much looking forward to.
6. we are seriously considering holding charlie back next year. in all reality the only reason i'm hesitant is because of the social stigma, but in the long run educationally, i think it will only help him and build his confidence. the hardest part of being a parent is having to make tough decisions that sometime break my heart.
7. the weekend was packed with activities. two soccer games, baseball tournament and a birthday party. sunday evening sure came way too fast.
8. considering running hospital hill...but can't seem to commit. :)
Wish I could commit with you! Hoping to find a 10k this fall that will get me motivated post-baby!