Monday, December 31, 2012

christmas 2012

Happy New Years Eve!  It is with much sadness that I realize the holiday season is coming to an end.  Why is it that this point in time every year makes my heart hurt just a little?  We are having a rip roaring new year’s eve.  I have been in my jammies all day, we are having a taco bell feast for dinner and bets are on the table as to who will make it to midnight. :)

christmas was different this year…my dad’s absence was and is overwhelming at times.  That being said, i tried my best to be present…to be thankful for this wonderful life, this wonderful season.

we decided to do lignts on the outside of our house.  charlie has been asking for years and this year we finally bit the bullet and went for it. 022 020

We trimmed the tree. I thought seriously long and hard about getting a real tree this year, but opted not to.  Maybe next year.  Of course with trimming the tree comes a large hot chocolate with extra marshmallows.

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we celebrated Christmas with the Thompson a little earlier this year but as usual it was a grand time.  mac was one of the narrators for the play, and charlie was a wise man.  there is talk about bringing back the talent show next year for the next generation…that could be interesting.  :)

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once again we opted to build a gingerbread house.  i take the easy way out.  this house was pretty much assembled, we only had to decorate it.  I think our decorating skills are getting better and better each year.122 115we incorporated some firsts into our traditions this year and due to their success, i hope we are able to incorporate them into our yearly tradition.  we attended the nutcracker at the kaufman center for the peforming arts.  this was our boys first experience with the fine arts and it was well received.


we also attended midnight mass at the cathedral.  the cathedral was beautifully yet simply decorated.  the music before and during the mass was beautiful.  I’m so happy we started our christmas celebration by attending this service and focusing on the reason we have this season.


we got home from mass and the boys had no problem getting to sleep.

Santa arrived


Christmas day we woke up about 6:30 and savored the arrival of Santa and just being with each other.  We had brunch for my mom, niece and nephew.  Later we went to Lawrence and spent the afternoon with some of the Thompson clan.

And with that Christmas day was over.  We spent time with my side of the family on  Thursday and Friday.  Many good times catching up and then traipsing all over Kansas City to entertain the kids.  Trying to go Fritz’s at Crown Center with 20 people on the Friday after Christmas may not have been the smartest idea but we made it work.  :)

Sunday, December 23, 2012


nearly a week a go, another school tragedy took place in our country.  unfathomable events, little children and teachers and administrators impacted.  i honestly feel like i’m still processing what happened friday…so sad.  friday i attended charlie’s school assembly and all i could think about was newtown, and those families, friends a community impacted by unexplainable evil.

there is a movement across the nation to do 26 acts of kindness…are you in?  this week, my family will be participating…will you?

also, passing along this article.  we must continue to pray for these families, the community our nation really…

embracing the camera

might just be me, but when i look through childhood pics there just aren’t that many of my mom or to be honest either of my parents.  there are the typical posed pictures at the holidays, maybe a birthday, but not that many of normal day life of us as a family. 

i’ve read many a story about how important it is to get in the picture but man, for me it’s hard.  i just really don’t like pictures of me.  yet, it’s more important for my boys to have pics and memories of me being in the picture. 

these pictures were taken at Thanksgiving (i know behind much) and while it’s somewhat posed, i love it.


i thought it would be fun to share some of the pics taken in an effort to get this one….love these boys, love being their momma.

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