Tuesday, October 23, 2012

you are 13

this post is obviously late, since your birthday was 3 weeks ago.  i was hoping to take some great pics of you that i could post but i’m afraid if i keep waiting for that,this post might never happen.

interview with my teenager

 mac fg


what is your favorite song right now?

gangnam style


who is your favorite musical artist?


what do you think of middle school?  what is the best thing of being in middle school/worst thing?

i like it.  the best thing:  freedom (walking in the halls and not having to be in a line) the worst thing:  the classes are harder

this is a bb gun081

who are you best friend/s?

Jason, Brennan, Tyler, Michael, Kendall, Zane, Chase, Drew, Mitch

what is your favorite dinner?

pizza hut big dinner box

always in a hat211

what are your dreams for your 13th year?

ku to win the national basketball championship

what do you think of charlie weis as the ku football coach?

he’s ok, but i think the only reason he is coaching is for his son, so that he can be a head coach.

what’s it like being a big brother?

Friday, October 19, 2012

friday letters


dear kc hospice house; each month, since july i come back and deliver goodies.  praying that those families and friends with loved ones there, find some comfort by the food delivered.  you are a place that will always be important to me.  your staff, volunteers there are no words for the goodness that is this place. 


dear panera: thank you for filling in when i was running out of time.


dear boys:  so proud of you.  end of first quarter and both of you received excellent grades and great things were said by your teachers. Could.Not.Be. Prouder of either of you.


dear work:  wow .…the next few months could be interesting.  thanks for the excitement.

dear feet:  tomorrow you are running 13.1 miles…please don’t fail me.

Camera download 7-5-12 3309

dear fall:  have i said this already…i love you.  your colors are awesome.


dear decaf:  i think i’m getting used to you but wondering how long it will last.

Monday, October 15, 2012

round here

school is in full swing and well in fact, today is the first day of the 2nd quarter...how exactly did that happen?

we've been to one ku game, not sure we'll make antother. regardless we love  our hawks and always have fun in lawrence.

 we have a little football player of our own and i've enjoyed watching him and his team play a little flag football on saturdays.  not a bad way to spend an hour or so

house project are under way.   first step...declutter.  this is a little disgusting, but we did have about 13 years of accumulation in our garage as well as stripped our master bath so we can redo it.  we had no mercy when going through stuff...it was a very nice feeling to be rid of so much junk.  (i'll spare you and myself a picture of this madness)

this guy turned 13--so who told him that was ok?  was not me.  regardless we had a small family gathering at 5 guys with cookie cake (his favorite) and ice cream at home.  after our family celebration he went to his first lock in.  i will admit, he was not the happiest of guys come saturday morning, but not too bad.

our dryer broke so i had to make a couple trips to the laundromat. oh the memories this brings back