Friday, June 24, 2011


"Have you ever noticed that country music is about 2 things, either food or love. "

Mac (who is not especially fond of country music)

Sunday, June 19, 2011


this week (in list form):

charlie went to his first VBS

we made bird feeders (funny story, charlie is obsessed with birds.  he keeps telling me not to forget his goggles so he can see them…goggles = binoculars)

puddle jumped

checked on our seeds

finally got a visit to dear friends who just welcomed a new little one into their lives.  oh how it gives me the baby itch…not good

went downtown for music

in an effort to win mother of the year, served my children nachos and funnel cake for dinner

made stepping stones

made father’s day gift

welcomed miss layla the beta fish to our house

prepeared for a week at Nana’sweek

Monday, June 13, 2011

this week in pictures


easiest desert/treat ever…why do i not make these more?



isn’t everything just a little bit better with Sprinkles?

a little t-ball action


big brother cheering :)


experimenting in the garden.  i might be too late…time will tell


too many trips to QT, but hard to beat they’re 32 oz special




enjoying the outdoors


Wednesday, June 8, 2011


i have been stalking the trader joe’s website.  when oh when are you going to open in KC?  websites say ward pkwy will open between july –sept.  come on it’s june, don’t you have a date yet? 
i recently bought these ‘lunch cubes’ from the container store since the boys have to take their lunch everyday this summer.  i love them.  i would really like to get the boys  bento boxes, but gosh darn they are kind of expensive so i opted to give these a try.  they have been a hit.  i love that we aren’t using nearly the quantity of sandwich bags that we’ve used in years past.  (you know its the simple things in life people)

would give anything to make it a tv free summer but don’t think it would fly.  still pondering it though.
made our summer list.
summer 2011120
love that the summer heat has arrived.  sun and warmth feels oh so good
love that flowers are blooming. 
i spent two days looking for a song i heard 2 years ago by a random artist.  but i love it…and finally found it.  hope you like it as much as i do  :)