Saturday, March 26, 2011

satuday snapshot

i'm linking up with kim at the yellow songbird for saturday snapshot.

i love my inlaws place in arkansas.  when we go to their house we are truly spoiled and i, admittedly selfishly, have to worry about nothing.  no meal preparation, no housework, i don't think about my job or my to do list ever.  it's a slice of heaven for me.

this pic was taken last thanksgiving and it is one of my favorites.  the boys and i out taking a walk on their property just the three of us hanging out .


Thursday, March 24, 2011


i downloaded my sd card a couple weeks ago.  it had been 2 months since i downloaded my sd card,  i had 240 items on my sd card.  here are just a few snapshots.

Snow...snow...snow...the boys have had 9 snow days. 'nuff said

field trips....i love field trips.  i had a group of 4 kids that i was responsible for.  they all fell asleep on the way home.  too cute.


allen that place.  the boys and i got to take dad to the iowa state game.




some cooking going on...homemade pizza and cake creating



celebrating love



enjoying the promise of spring and warmer days


finally orangeleaf recently opened near our house.  that is bad very bad.


Monday, March 7, 2011

cancer sucks

My dad has cancer. I have known for a month and ½. I’ve debated for awhile whether I should blog this or not, but this is my life. Life is not only full of immense beauty it’s full of pain and this blog should represent the good and the bad because that is my story, that is life.

I don’t intend to always speak of cancer and what my dad is going through, but I have to be honest. My life feels as though it’s consumed with cancer. The last prayer at night is for my dad and my first thought is about my dad.

I hate that I’m not a writer. My writing will never adequately address the thoughts in my head or in my heart and it’s even more difficult when they both feel like a big jumbled mess.

In the month and 1/ 2 that I’ve known about his cancer, this is what I’ve learned:

My dad is fighter

It’s difficult to tell people bad news


Waiting is difficult

Seeing someone you love suffer is at times unbearable

Prayer has become simple. Dear God, please help him.

I wish I would have started asking for my dad’s stories before now

Even in his suffering, my dad continues to think of others first

Cancer sucks (ok, already knew that…just saying)